4-H Volunteer Opportunities

4-H Club Organizational Leader

An adult volunteer who works with a 4-H club assists the club's members in planning their annual club program, conducting club business and enrolling individually or as a group in one or more 4-H projects. Members of a club are often from a small geographic area and may share an interest in a particular topic, but there must be a minimum of five members, and two volunteer leaders. 4-H staff assist with the application and screening process, and provide orientation, on-going training and access to resources.

4-H Club Activity or Project Leader
4-H project leaders help the Organizational Leader "teach" the educational component of the club program. They help organize and facilitate a series of project lessons, usually 4 - 6 meetings. Project leaders help members complete project record books and prepare work for evaluation at the 4-H Youth Fair.

Casual Volunteers
Share a skill or interest you have with an existing club or after school program, or help out at an organized workshop. Or you may choose to be a chaperone, provide transportation or simply accompany a youth group to a special event or activity. Some examples of what short-term activities you might help with are: Ag Literacy Week readers, project or speech evaluators, workshop presenters and/or guest speakers. 

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact us and we can help you find the best fit for your schedule, interests and out program!

Application packets can be found in the left side menu. 

Last updated March 4, 2025