One of the iconic programs 4-H is known for are in the Animal Science category.
4-H member enjoy learning about animals, owning your own is not required.
Non- Owner opportunities do exist from learning to sharing animals as they are available.
"No matter where you live, you can learn how to take care of an animal!
Learning how to be responsible for another being takes practice – and 4-H members who experience animal projects practice those skills daily. And animal projects aren’t just for 4-H members who live in rural areas. You can learn how to take care of just about any animal you can think of, in just about any location – small ones like rabbits or ducks, mid-size like goats, or larger like steers, or horses. Or even more unique animals like miniature pigs." Ohio State 4-H
Ag and Markets Health Requirements
New York State 4-H Dog Program
New York State 4-H Dairy Program
New York State Horse Program website
New York State 4-H Avian & Poultry
Poultry members should use the Intent to Show form as their ID form.
All poultry must be from either an NPIP flock (with proof) or tested negative for pollorum.
New York State 4-H Rabbit and Cavy
Cloverbuds participate in age and stage-appropriate activities.
Clovberuds may participate in Cloverbud show classes, but will not recieve placings.
Parent supervision of Cloverbuds working with animals is required at all times and in the show ring.
Cloverbuds are not eligible for Purple awards.
Marketing Your Livestock Project
Each species should have a record in the Market Animal Project Book
Sasha Diederich
4-H Resource Educator
607-734-4453 ext 218
Last updated March 4, 2025