cert teen
Image by Courtney Livecchi

MyPI New York- Youth Emergency Preparedness Initiative

MyPI New York

Chemung County 4-H is excited to offer My Preparedness Initiative (MyPI) in 2025. This is a four-time national award-winning youth preparedness, leadership and educational outreach program. MyPI New York is a component of the National Youth Preparedness Initiative (MyPI National), a partnership of 37 states and 3 US territories, delivering an innovative, engaging, and comprehensive curriculum for teenagers that will enable profound impact on emergency preparedness for households and communities in addition to youth leadership characteristics across the nation.

In the program, teenagers will complete the United States Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency-certified CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training and corresponding modules focusing on Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety and Utility Control, Disaster Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, CERT Organization, Disaster Psychology, and Terrorism and CERT as well as all Hazard-related Annexes. They will also receive certification in CPR and AED usage, along with a technology track comprising awareness programs focusing on HAM radio, NOAA weather radio, smoke alarm maintenance, and smartphone apps and social media in emergency preparedness. Finally, the curriculum includes a school safety component, a disaster simulation, an extreme weather program, a public health awareness and risk mitigation program, an extreme bleeding component, and a career track that focuses on public safety, fire service, and emergency management careers.

The pivotal takeaway from the program is a comprehensive family and community service project entitled “Prep + 6” in which each participant helps develop emergency supply kits and emergency communication plans for their household AND 6 additional households.

This program will be offered in 2025 to youth ages 14+, and applications are open now through February 15th  

Space is limited to 24 youth. 

Apply to MyPI Now to:

  • Build Life Saving Skill Sets and Be Certified in CPR and AED Usage.
  • Learn about Emergency Management and First Responder Careers.
  • Identify Hazards and Become Extreme Weather Aware.
  • Give Back to Your Communities through the PREP + 6 Service Project.
  • Develop Emergency Kits and Family Communication Plans.
  • Learn about Technology in Emergency Preparedness, including NOAA Weather Radios, Social and Smartphone Apps, HAM Radio, etc.

Making a Difference with Teen CERT

MyPI One-Pager for Potential Students

Last updated March 4, 2025